Chris Hollins

Emgage PAC Texas is pleased to endorse Chris Hollins for the position of City of Houston Controller, which serves as the independent financial watchdog for Houston. In our discussions, Mr. Hollins demonstrated his broad commitment to transparency and ensuring that city departments and programs are run efficiently for Houston’s residents. He also showed a commitment to using improved data collection and analysis to verify that Houston’s minority communities are served by city initiatives such as the Minority, Women, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise inclusion program. We were also impressed that Mr. Hollins has vowed to increase outreach and engagement between the Controller’s office and the public in order to enhance accountability and public awareness of the City’s financial state.
Mr. Hollins’ background of public service as the Harris County Clerk and on the METRO Board of Directors illustrates his dedication to Houston’s communities, as does his outstanding track record of engagement with the Muslim community and Emgage’s community programming. Mr. Hollins’ vision for the Controller’s office and his record exemplify the values of inclusiveness, transparency, and democratic accountability that Emgage PAC holds dear, and we look forward to being able to see Mr. Hollins lead the City Controller’s office with those values.
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