Zohaib Qadri
Austin Runoffs 2022
Meet Zohaib Qadri
Emgage PAC endorsee Zohaib Qadri earned the largest number of votes in an eight-way race to serve on Austin City Council, District 9. Mr. Qadri has worked in diverse advocacy and organizing roles throughout his career, including for statewide and national campaigns. His most recent campaign work outside of Austin was as Regional Organizing Director for Senator Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign. Mr. Qadri is also an active volunteer for community causes in Austin, including Austin Needs Water, the Central Texas Food Bank and Del Valle Community Coalition.
Mr. Qadri holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas (located in Austin’s City Council District 9) and master’s degrees in Public Administration from Texas State University and Global Affairs from Rice University. He and his wife, Wafa, call Austin home. If elected in the December 13 runoff, Mr. Qadri will be the first South Asian and first Muslim to serve in Austin City Council.
See why Austin’s flagship local paper, the Austin American Statesman, endorsed him here.
Learn more about Zohaib and what community issues motivate him below
Check out https://www.zoforaustin.com/meetzo for more information and follow his socials at twitter.com/zoforaustin